Cablecast 4.8.2 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug 3765 | .dv files play back without audio if Quicktime 7.6 is installed -An incompatibility was discovered with Quicktime 7.6, the Cablecast installer will now install version 7.5.5. * Bug 3781 | CodanNKCM -Added a control module for the NK series routers from Codan Broadcast. * Bug 3782 | Update link of current Cablecast manual to the Help menu option -The help links in Cablecast now send the user to, instead of an outdated manual. * Bug 3810 | Add write permissions for web server on the Cablecast installer -Resolved an issue that could cause inconsistent timeouts in Cablecast * Bug 3811 | Encoding with VBI enabled can cause a memory leak and eventually a failure -Encoding VBI now works as expected, and no longer causes issues. * Bug 3812 | Closed caption data from Cablecast 4.7.x files does not show up on closed captioning decoders -Resolved an error in the positioning of the closed captioning data. * Bug 3825 | Encoding to a directory that does not exist will cause error -If the directory does not exist, it will now be created automatically. * Bug 3826 | SXConfiguration application crashes if SX Hardware Control restarts -The SXConfiguration application will now handle restarts of the SX Hardware control. * Bug 3827 | SX servers output last frame of video after a stop command is sent -SX servers will now output black after a stop command.